2021.03.06 - 2021.05.02
Unconscious Mind: Fled to The Surrealism
台北文華東方酒店精品內,集聚藝術氛圍,位於三樓的曜畫廊(Gallery de sol)將於3月6日至5月2日開展「奇思異想:世界的超現實藝術良方」,特展出雷內・馬格利特(René Magritte)、胡安・米羅(Joan Miró)、馬克思・恩斯特(Max Ernst)、李奧諾拉・卡林頓(Leonora Carrington)、薩爾瓦多・達利(Salvador Dalí)等超現實國際大師限量及原創版畫。
本展由曜畫廊張雅晴藝術總監策劃,以第一次世界大戰後,風靡法國1920年至1930 年間的「超現實主義」風格為軸,用藝術史的脈絡,回應當代正面臨的新冠疫情,打造城市綠洲,使疫情時代身體的不自由,藉由超現實藝術釋放,一起走進奇思異想的世界。
Gallery de sol is located in The Arcade of Taipei Mandarin Oriental. In this artistic European-style castle, “Unconscious Mind: Fled to The Surrealism” will be exhibited from March 6 to May 2. Specially presents limited edition and original prints of surrealism international masters, including René Magritte, Joan Miró, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington, and Salvador Dalí.
This exhibition is curated by Gallery de sol art director Sunny Chang. With the impact of Covid-19, the “surrealism” style, which was one of the most important art movement after the World War I, will once again create an urban oasis to release psychological freedom. It provides an alternative thinking way to face the current exhausted state. This spring, let us walk into the surreal world and enjoy all this dream creations.