謝宏蓮 Hsieh Hong-Lien

活著只為發現美,其他一切是一種等待的形式,撒一粒種子,大地會讓你收穫一朵花,向天空祈求,一個夢想,天空會帶來你所愛! ~ 紀伯倫

2000 年以前,我的人生在世人眼中是多彩而豐盛的,卻在高處跌落至不見底的深淵。

2005 年我發現了光,然後遇見了繪畫,彷彿是兒時記憶乍然清晰,那個老家小鎮的海邊,風光騎著粉紅色腳踏車,愛畫畫的小宏蓮。


2017 年生命之神給了我一個試煉,因病在加護病房與死神搏鬥的歷程,腦中浮現的,竟只是「還有許多想畫的畫,還沒畫完……」,人世間的一切親情、愛情似乎皆可放下,唯有作為一個畫家的工作是未完成的遺憾。







‘We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting’ “sow a seed unto the earth, It will yield you a flower, dream your dream unto the sky it will bring your Beloved” — Kahlil Gibran

I was blessed with success, joy and contentment before the year 2000, but then I fell from my success and hit rock bottom. I felt lost. It was five years later, in 2005, that I found the light when I encountered the world of art.

This enlightenment, so to speak, brought back vivid childhood memories:
the seashore in my hometown, my little pink bicycle, as well as my passion for drawing and painting. Since then I have been frantically searching to gain knowledge about materials and mixed media, learning new painting skills, and at the same time building up my concepts on painting, in general.

I devoted myself completely to my oil paintings, allowing spirituality and artistic elements to exclusively fill my life, in a way becoming a semi-hermit. In 2017, I had recovered from a critical illness. One may say, God gave me another chance. All I want to do now, in this new life, is to create the paintings I have yet to paint and finish those I had started before. If I don’t become a professional painter, it will be a regret I will live with forever.

I am focusing now on the creation of art in my life. The inspiration for my paintings seem to me to spring from God’s love and grace, revealed through my hands painting on the canvas. Life is not measured by its length but rather by its depth. I believe good paintings are long lasting. The paintings themselves have a way of distributing love and beauty endlessly. When looking at my paintings, people say they sense warm and joyful energy from within my work.

“If you sing of beauty, though alone in the heart of a desert, you will have an audience”. Kahlil Gibran

Love is my belief, while art, I think, is a commitment to the beauty of the soul. I regard it as my task in life to deliver the message of love and beauty through my creations. I am grateful to Mr. Chiao Shis-Tai, who encourages my efforts and guides me on the right path, and to my loving and supportive family and friends. They are my guardian angels, giving me strength to go on searching in the world of beauty. I cherish all I have, and constantly try my best to give it expression in my oil paintings. As Kusama Yayoi once said, “I will keep painting until I die”.

作品 Artworks