胡安・米羅 Joan Miró

而在 1920 年代後半期的繪畫作品中,米羅逐漸捨棄具象派的傳統,捨棄透視、重力、造型、明暗等常規,任憑童稚般的想像力馳騁於畫布,創造出一種全新的視覺語言,愉快地掙脫形式的束縛。而他也曾在一次訪談中提到:
“I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.” 
Joan Miró was a Spanish painter, whose surrealist works, with their subject matter drawn from the realm of memory and imaginative fantasy, are some of the most original of the 20th century. 
His work before 1920 shows wide-ranging influences, including the bright colors of the Fauves, the broken forms of cubism, and the powerful, flat two-dimensionality of Catalan folk art and Romanesque church frescoes of his native Spain.
He moved to Paris in 1920, where, under the influence of surrealist poets and writers, he evolved his mature style. Miró drew on memory, fantasy, and the irrational to create works of art that are visual analogues of surrealist poetry. 
The forms of his paintings are organized against flat neutral backgrounds and are painted in a limited range of bright colors, especially blue, red, yellow, green, and black. Amorphous amoebic shapes alternate with sharply drawn lines, spots, and curlicues, all positioned on the canvas with seeming nonchalance. 
Miró also experimented in a wide array of other media, devoting himself to etchings and lithographs for several years in the 1950s and also working in watercolor, pastel, collage, ceramic, and paint on copper and masonite.

作品 Artworks