2021.05.15 - 2021.08.31
Ephemera and Eternity: Chika Kato, Taku Shinyama Dual exhibition
曜畫廊此次與日本神戶歷史悠久的川田畫廊合作,共同推薦新山拓(Taku Shinyama)與加藤千佳(Chika Kato)兩位日本新生代藝術家。新山拓擅長膠彩,以傳統日本畫一貫的優雅靜逸與細緻,詮釋人在面對山嶽時,從敬畏與熱愛中所感受到的美感。加藤千佳則巧妙融合其纖細的情感與精煉的技藝,將大自然中瞬間即逝的物質,如水、冰與雪,以幾千度燒製的玻璃藝術,近乎不可思議、極度精細的技法,再現於觀者面前。
Gallery de Sol especially associated with Kawata gallery to present “Ephemera and Eternity” exhibition from May 15 th to July 4 th, 2021. We sincerely recommend Taku Shinyama and Chika Kato, two emerging Japanese artists.
Their works show us the unique understanding and interpretation of “nature” and “time” in Japanese culture. Taku Shinyama uses mineral pigments to depict people’s awe and respect to nature when facing majestic mountains, and transforms this incredible sight into eternal creation. Chika Kato cleverly merges delicate emotions and exquisite technique. She turns the texture that will disappear instantly into fine quality glass art. The instantaneous forms of water, ice and snow seem to be magically preserved in her works. This early summer, Gallery de sol welcomes you to enjoy Japanese culture and immerse yourself in the quiet and beautiful artistic mood.