
日 期|2024.04.13 (六) 15:00 – 17:00

地點|曜畫廊 Gallery de sol
地址|台北市松山區敦化北路166號 文華精品3樓
開館時間|週二至週日 11:00-21:00 (週一休館)
聯繫|02 8770 5055|service@gallerydesol.com.tw 

一場走近藝術史的開幕會,將在 4/13 下午 3 點在曜畫廊精彩展開!

現場展覽不僅將展示二十世紀最重要的版畫家之一米羅,金剛砂系列作品,也誠摯邀請台灣三位 版創藝術家 — 廖修平、劉自明、楊忠銘 老師,齊聚展覽現場。




Opening Event|2024.04.13 (六) 15:00-17:00
Artists|Liao Shiou-Ping, Liu Zi-Ming, and Yang Chung-Ming

Location|Gallery de sol
Address|3F. THE ARCADE, No. 166, Dunhua N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
Opening Hours|Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM ( Closed on Mondays )
Contact|02 8770 5055|service@gallerydesol.com.tw 

An enchanting opening event delving into art history will unfold at Gallery de Sol on April 13th at 3 PM!

The exhibition will not only showcase the Carborundum series works of one of the most significant printmakers of the 20th century, Joan Miró, but also cordially invite three Taiwanese fine art printmakers—Liao Shiou-Ping, Liu Zi-Ming, and Yang Chung-Ming—to gather at the exhibition venue.

They’ll share the fascinating transformation from “Printmaking” to “Fine Art Prints,” elaborating on how they continue to climb the shoulders of giants in the medium of the plate, step by step exploring, experimenting, and innovating, paving the way for the creation of unique fine art prints.

Meanwhile, residing in France, Liu Zi-Ming will join via live stream to unveil first-hand information about the Carborundum technique from the Paris printmaking workshop, allowing everyone to delve deeper into the ancient mysteries of fine art prints.

If you want to join us on this art historical journey, make sure to sign up for the opening event!


Miro and the Experiment of Fine Art Prints in ‘Depth’

展期|2024.04.13(六) - 2024.06.20(四)
地點|曜畫廊Gallery de sol
地址|台北市松山區敦化北路166號 文華精品3樓