2022.01.07 - 2022.03.25
The Fine Art Print of Zao Wou-Ki from 1950s to 2000s
曜畫廊 (Gallery de sol) 專精於大師版畫的研究與收藏,特別在值此趙無極誕生逾百年之際,規劃回顧性大展,展出其自1950年代開始到2000年代各個階段的精彩版畫創作,為趙無極藝術全貌補上極為重要的一塊拼圖。
趙無極的版畫,忠實地反映了他在每個時期的所思所想、每個藝術上的啟發與創新。我們從趙無極的版畫中,看到了色彩經由「版」與「印」所創造出的特殊氛圍。佳士得倫敦版畫及限量作品部資深專家 Alexandra 曾經表示:「趙氏是一位傳統的畫家兼版畫家,他的版畫並非畫作的摹本或預備習作,相反,版畫創作是另一種截然不同的媒介,讓他探索主要的主題。能夠於版畫中如此完美揉合中西藝術傳統的藝術家,非趙無極莫屬。」
ZAO Wou-Ki without a doubt is one of the most prestigious Asian artists in the world. The standout market price of him hit a record high on every world-renowned auction year by year. In recent eight decades of his creative career, his artworks showcased his continuous breakthrough and refinement in different medium. The artistic state he pursued throughout his life is like verifying that his name in Chinese “Wou-Ki” means “no limits”.
As the very few Chinese Modern artists whose recognition has ascended to a truly global level, ZAO Wou-Ki established an international reputation with countless enormous exhibitions. His Oil painting, Watercolor and Ink painting are all renowned. However, on the basis of his extraordinary achievements, his performance in Fine art prints has rarely had the opportunity to be systematically organized and presented in Taiwan.
Gallery de sol as the specialist of Fine art prints committed to provide comprehensive art consulting and exhibition. On the centennial anniversary of ZAO Wou-Ki, gallery de sol exclusively curated a retrospective exhibition showcasing his marvelous and unique prints which span from 1950s to 2000s in Mandarin Oriental Taipei from January 7th to March 20th. This exhibition symbolized a way to complete ZAO Wou-Ki’s great contribution through his Fine art prints.
ZAO’s Fine art prints clearly reflect his thoughts in every stage of his life, in each inspiration and renovation of his art. This is an opportunity for public to enjoy the subtle atmosphere of ZAO’s abstraction and observe the secrets of his “board” and “print” creations at Gallery de sol.
Senior prints expert Alexandra from Christie’s London said ”ZAO is a traditional painter and Fine art printer. His prints are not facsimiles or preparatory work. Instead, printmaking is a completely different medium that allows him to explore major themes. ZAO Wou-Ki is the only artist who can perfectly blend Eastern and Western artistic traditions in his prints.”